> ### Please, before reading this page, be sure to know what [StrapDown.js][] is > Check out [index.html][] if you don't know yet how cool [StrapDown.js][] is ! --- [StrapDown.js]: //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/ "Homepage of StrapDown.js !" [index.html]: //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/index.html "Explanations on StrapDown.js !" [StrapDown2PDF]: //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown2pdf "A super cool Bash script !" # StrapDown2PDF [StrapDown2PDF][] is a **super cool** Bash script designed to print a *StrapDown*-powered web-page to a PDF document. ## More details To be more precise, [StrapDown.js][] allows you to write pretty HTML pages with the Markdown syntax (more details here [index.html][]). And [StrapDown2PDF][] can be used (on your laptop, from the command line) to transform the document from HTML (writen with Markdown) to PDF (with one intermediate phasis as a LaTeX file). --- ## Example and how-to [This page as a PDF](strapdown2pdf.pdf) is a pretty good example of an automatically compiled PDF file. **Warning:** this script is *still experimental*: the compilation is never perfect. It is advisable to use the `-keep` option, change a little bit the LaTeX file and then compile again. ### How-to ? You just have to use this command, in a terminal: > ```bash > $ strapdown2pdf MyWebPage.html # This will produce "MyWebPage.pdf" > ``` ### More than one file at a time ? **strapdown2pdf** even supports multi arguments. For instance, the following command will print to PDF every [StrapDown.js][]-flavored HTML file in the current directory: > ```bash > $ echo "Calling 'strapdown2pdf *.html' will produce a PDF for every .html document in the current directory." > $ strapdown2pdf *.html > ``` --- ### Even more details? **strapdown2pdf** comes with a basic help included ! Just ask with option `-h` (as always): > ```bash > $ strapdown2pdf -h > strapdown2pdf -help | [options] > > Print a StrapDown-powered web-page to a PDF document, using lunamark and autotex. > > Help: > -h to print this help message (and quit). > -v to print just the version of strapdown2pdf (and quit). > > Options: > -i|-interactive run PDFLaTeX with the interactive (errorstopmode) mode (default is batchmode). > -q|-quiet run strapdown2pdf in quiet mode (no output at all, everything is redirected to /tmp/strapdown2pdf.log). > -m|-htm run strapdown2pdf to produce a simple HTML file (which do not use StrapDown.js), written to a .htm file. > For important document, producing a .htm autonomous file is a good idea. > -d|-discrete run strapdown2pdf is discrete mode, without adding any creditentials in the produced document. > -s[0-9][0-9]*% change the default scale used by autotex (default is 85%, '-70%', '-75%' or '-80%' are good also) New! > -[0-9][0-9]*pt change the default police size used by autotex (default is 11pt, '-10pt' or '-12pt' are good also) New! > -k|-keep keep the intermediate .tex file. New! > -s|-sign sign the produce PDF document with GnuPG (thanks to PDFCompress). > > strapdown2pdf v0.8 : Copyrights: (c) Lilian Besson 2011-2014. > Released under the term of the GPL v3 Licence (more details on http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html). > In particular, strapdown2pdf is provided WITHOUT ANY WARANTY. > ``` ### Options **strapdown2pdf** now comes with these options: + `-interactive` (shortcut is `-i`) to run [PDFLaTeX](http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/pdflatex) with the interactive (errorstopmode) mode (default is batchmode), + `-quiet` (shortcut is `-q`) to run [strapdown2pdf](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown2pdf.html) in quiet mode (no output at all, everything is redirected to `/tmp/strapdown2pdf.log`), + `-htm` (shortcut is `-m`) to produce a simple HTML file (which do not use StrapDown.js, see [this example strapdown2pdf.htm](./strapdown2pdf.htm)), written to a .htm file. For important document, producing a .htm autonomous file is a good idea, + `-discrete` (shortcut is `-d`) to run strapdown2pdf is discrete mode, without adding any creditentials in the produced document, + `-s[0-9][0-9]*%` (e.g. `-79%`) to change the default scale used by autotex (default is 85%, '-70%', '-75%' or '-80%' are good also), + `-[0-9][0-9]*pt` (e.g. `-10pt`) to change the default police size used by autotex (default is 11pt, '-10pt' or '-12pt' are good also), + `-keep` (shortcut is `-k`) to keep the intermediate `.tex` file, + `-sign` (shortcut is `-s`) to sign the produce PDF document with GnuPG (thanks to [PDFCompress](http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/PDFCompress) option `--sign`). --- ## Mandatory requirements + [lunamark](http://jgm.github.io/lunamark/lunamark.1.html) (an awesome *lua*-powered Markdown to LaTeX processor), + [autotex](http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/autotex) (from my web page, or from [bin/autotex](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/bin/src/master/autotex)). ## Optionnal requirements These external scripts are not really mandatory, you could do without it by modifying a couple of lines of the script's code: + [PDFCompress](http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/PDFCompress) (from my web page, or from [bin/PDFCompress](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/bin/src/master/PDFCompress)), + [pdflatex](http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/pdflatex) (from my web page, or from [bin/pdflatex](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/bin/src/master/pdflatex)). --- # Future features ? ### A 100% perfect support for embeded LaTeX code These two examples ([3](example3.html) and [4](example4.html)) show how to include [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/) in a *StrapDown*-flavored HTML page to simply embed some *LaTeX* equations. > Apparently, now *strapdown2pdf* have a better support for any (not too complicated) $\LaTeX{}$ code embedded in the *Markdown* source. > Any feedback is welcome, and I will continue to improve this feature. ### Some examples of a good PDF printed version of a StrapDown.js powered page > These are from September, October and November 2014. - [This (English) translation of a French press article](http://perso.crans.org/besson/publis/10_10_2014__Liberation.en.html) about [Mahindra École Centrale](http://www.mahindraecolecentrale.edu.in/discover.html), nicely printed to [this PDF](http://perso.crans.org/besson/publis/10_10_2014__Liberation.en.pdf), - [This (English) translation of another French press article](http://perso.crans.org/besson/publis/29_10_2014__LeMonde.en.html) about the future [École Centrale Casablanca](http://www.centrale-casablanca.ma/site/home.html), nicely printed to [a PDF, quickly modified by hand to include an image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/publis/29_10_2014__LeMonde.en.pdf), - [This small (French) research report](http://perso.crans.org/besson/publis/PDE_09_2014/index.html) on a [non-linear Partial Differential Equation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_differential_equations), nicely printed to [a PDF, with very good support of LaTeX](http://perso.crans.org/besson/publis/PDE_09_2014/index.pdf) ([since this modification](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/bin/diff/strapdown2pdf?diff2=20fd4babc524&at=master)), - [This (French) homepage of a programming project](http://perso.crans.org/besson/agreg/m/2/) on [Euler theorems on Eulerian path](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eulerian_path#Properties). I did this as an assignement for [my M.Sc. of Computer Science in 2014](http://perso.crans.org/besson/cv.en.pdf), and it was also a good training for one oral exam of the [French national competitive examination to become a prep' school professor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agr%C3%A9gation) in Mathematics and Computer Science (for [which I have been ranked 23rd among 795](http://web.archive.org/web/20140709144720/agreg.org/ResultatsMerite2014.html) in 2014!). --- ### Autocompile on the fly ? Make a version "on the browser" ? Something like, if [index.html][] uses [StrapDown.js][], then [index.html?pdf](index.html?pdf) can be the same HTML page, but using javascript (like [texlive.js](https://github.com/manuels/texlive.js/)) to autoproduce a PDF version of the page in the background, asking to download it when it is done. [An example is there](http://manuels.github.io/texlive.js). It is so cool I want to use it :) ### Add a "Compile to PDF with TeXLive" button in StrapDown theme I added a [Squirt](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt/) button to the two [StrapDown.js][] theme, and therefore I guess it could be possible to do the same for a "Compile to PDF with TeXLive" button ! --- # About ### Hacked by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages + GNU Bash v4+ for the script, + Markdown and [StrapDown.js][] for this page. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.*